Thursday, September 30, 2010

ATC Quarterly #20

It's out and about! The Fall 2010 issue of ATC Quarterly has already gotten a bunch of positive reviews from subscribers. To see more click on:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sunbathing Turtles

I was driving with my friend Peggi and she screeched to a halt and backed up. She had spotted these turtles on a log. I crept over to the edge of the bridge and took the photo (I need a better lens!) At any rate, when I got back in the car and slammed the door, all six of them jumped into the water and vanished.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Me and Golf

Last week our office closed early and we all went golfing together.

My skills are rather limited in the golf world, but I concentrated...

...and swung, with great aplomb...

...and well, it went a few feet and I got a good ribbing from my team mates.

The last hole of our 3 hour tour was the 9th, and as it happened, was sponsored by my workplace. Off to the 19th hole for a cold one!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Bounty

I just love the look of this basket with the things I've picked out of the garden in the past little while.

Everything you grow yourself just tastes better.

Looks pretty darn good too!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Rube Goldberg Machinery

At last weekend's Fall Festival, there was this Rube Goldberg-type gizmo. These horses went round and round and pulled a pulley...

...which was powering this extra long belt...

...which was powering this machine, making straw bales...

...which were coming out the back end of the machine.

Where did that big stack of straw come from? This OTHER machine, that also ran on a pulley, that separated oats (red chute) from the chaff (silver chute).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Harvest Fall Festival

The Harvest Fall Festival at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum is always so much fun. This year the skies were blue and the temperature was almost 20C.

I volunteered at the gift shop for a few hours while Richard was outside directing traffic at the parking lot. When we were done, we checked out the festival.

There was tons of stuff going on. Here my friend Susan is making butter, the old fashioned way.

There was a display of antique curlers. One advantage I'd have had over most of those pioneers, although finding a wide-toothed comb might have been a problem.

There were all sorts of characters dressed up in vintage clothing.

Both our curator, Jennifer (right) and fiddler Emily (left) got into pioneer get ups.

There were plenty of cute animals. Nothing like a little girl and a kitten, eh?

Or how about a pair of miniature donkeys?

The horse parade was piped in by the Quigley Pipes and Drums.

Lots of wonderful horses...

...all dressed up with horse brass and such.

After the parade we went over to see if the shingle maker still had his thumbs. (He did.)

This fellow was demonstrating a series of gramophones. He called this one the world's first Walkman.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Domino's Birthday Cake

On her 20th birthday, I tried to make this chocolate cake look like birthday-girl Domino.

How'd I do?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Domino!

At the tender age of 3 months, Domino showed up on December 24, 1990. Here's my dad with her...

...and here's my nephew Adam with Domino. Adam is now 25 years old.

I decided since Domino was turning 20, it was time to give her a party.

The guests brought gifts like cat toys and catnip...

...she even got a mini-portrait painted of her!

Natalie -- the bee and chicken whisperer -- was also a cat whisperer that night and fed Domino chicken (at the table, oh my!)

And when it was time for dessert, Domino settled down on Dave (who is allergic to kitties) and enjoyed her cup of milky tea from her perch on his lap.

We all wore birthday hats for the event.

I even baked her a special Domino inspired cake. I hope she made a good wish when she blew out the candles.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Puffball Parmesan

Remember the puffball schnitzel I made a few weeks back? I froze some of the slices and decided to thaw them and make Puffball Parmesan.

I layered the thawed mushrooms (that were previously breaded and fried) and added tomato sauce on top, then cheese over that and then repeated that three times.

It baked up nicely and looked great plated.

Even better? The taste! Three layers of delicate mushrooms with tomatoes and cheese. A keeper for sure.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Harvest Fall Festival

Every year, for the past 10 years, the Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan holds its Fall Festival. Here's a photo of the committee that puts it together. This year the Fall Festival is on Sunday, September 19.

A few years back, Richard and I ran the old-fashioned pioneer photography booth at the festival.

We dressed people up and took their photos for a small fee, donated to the museum.

Some folks had lots of fun with it.

One gal brought her dog.

I brought my zucchini from the "Heaviest Zucchini" contest. I only won 5th prize but maybe I'll win this year...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Terry Gillespie and Me

While at the Vankleek Hill Farmers Market last weekend, I bumped into bluesman extraordinare Terry Gillespie. Cool.