Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wood Fair

Over the weekend we went to Wood Fair at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan. There was a huge wood auction where they sold lumber...

...and other oddities like burls, used by carvers to make bowls and other cool things.

One of the booths had a cute chainsaw display...

...while across the way a fellow demonstrated his carving skills with a chainsaw. (Note Richard at work in the background.)

And there was a load of these dowels for sale. Hmm. Wonder what I could do with these?

My friend Susan Valyi had her fabulous sculptures on display, most of which are created using wood.

And Beau's Beer brewed just down the road in Vankleek Hill had a tent, so Richard and I had a glass with our sausage. Great day.


  1. I am so very sorry we missed it again. Looks like a great day for the "builders."

  2. It sounds like a good time was had by all!

  3. Who woodn't have a good time... I certainly wood.
