Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Vankleek Hill Winery

Just down the road a piece from me is a delightful new winery called Vankleek Hill Vineyard. Don't you love the cow logo?

Once inside, there are more fantastic cow paintings done by the vintner's partner, Laurie Kral.

Marty Kral, owner of Vankleek Hill Winery told us of his impressive background, having worked in France for B&G and Mumm's, I guess he picked up a few things.

The showroom is outstanding. Eventually Marty will offer red wine ("purple cow") and rosé ("pink cow") but for now we settled on a delicious, cold white called "Yellow Cow."

Free samples are offered and there's even a place to sit down and enjoy them.

We even got a first hand tour of the vineyards...

...and a close up look at the grapes.

Back inside, beyond the French doors are the vats where all the wine is made.

A lovely light drink for summer. Here's to drinking locally. Cheers!

Vankleek Hill Vineyard is located at 3725 County Road 12 just east of Vankleek Hill. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. To see more, visit their website at: Vankleek Hill Vineyard


  1. Hey Ron ... can we go there when I visit next week? It looks great!!

  2. LOVE the cow paintings.
    I must visit it someday.

  3. THat place is so fun. Love the cow paintings, sign and labels!

  4. Thanks for letting us know about this, it's the first I've heard about it and I live closer than you. You really do get out a lot more than I do.
