Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunday Brunch

I just love Sunday brunch, especially when you're having a glass of thirst-quenching white Sangria and enjoying conversation with friends. That's what I did last Sunday when our disbanded book club got together.

Judy invited the former "Book Babes" to share a few laughs and current reading suggestions, as well as a delicious appetizer of garlicky artichokes on goat's cheese toasts with shaved Parmesan.

Judy served up the mixed green salad with zucchini strips and toasted pine nuts.

The entrée was something called "Molly Coddled Eggs" that Judy said she found in one of Donna Dewar's cookbooks. It was a layer of lemony polenta, then spinach, sauteed mushrooms and shallots, with a Gorgonzola cheese sauce and an egg on top, baked in the oven.

Louise wanted a larger spoon so that she could taste all the flavours at once.

It was one of the most amazing combinations of flavours. Wowza!

Meanwhile, Judy's daughter Kelly enjoyed a Sunday ice cream cone while cute doggie Elliott looked on, wanted to have a Sunday snack as well. Ahh. Sundays.


  1. Your life in one big brunch!

  2. So your book club has disbanded too! It seems to be a trend; dispense with the palaver and get down to serious eating, drinking and dishing.
