Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bridal Shower Fun

I went to Fran's kitchen-themed bridal shower a few weekends back and it was so much fun. Fran made her grand entrance wearing an apron covered with kitchen utensils and purple rubber gloves. And a tiara! We drank wine and chatted. Then the games began.

Fran disappeared and we had to remember what was pinned to her apron. Needless to say, the glass of sangria had taken effect and I could hardly remember anything. (And I see on my list I said "measuring cups" but there weren't any on that apron. Oops.)

There was a smelling game where you had to identify the spice or herb in each numbered cup. I think I got 3 out of 8. (Okay, so again, I'll blame it on the delicious, white sangria!)

Then all of a sudden, a Husky pup showed up and settled down in the middle of the party. Luckily, she had a collar with a phone number and her owner came within minutes to get her. Okay, back to the party...

We broke up into groups and dressed one of our members in a toilet paper bridal gown. In our case, we dressed our two youngest members.

Don't they all look adorable?

One of the games was "don't cross your legs." At the start of the party, everyone got a clothespin but if you crossed your legs, someone could claim your pin. Here's Fran's sis Chris with a few pins...

...but this little girl was working hard at getting more pins...

...and ultimately won the contest.

Then it was time for food inside...


A great, silly and fun time was had by all!

Happy days, Fran and Andy.


  1. That looks like a fun bridal shower party. When in doubt always blame the sangria for any flaws in your party game ability. Thats my excuse anyway.
