Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sheep to Shawl

Last weekend the Glengarry Pioneer Museum hosted a "Sheep to Shawl" event.

It featured all sorts of wool...

...and nifty demonstrations.

Best of all was the sheep sheering.

The guy who did it was very gentle with the sheep...

...who is now wearing her summer outfit.


  1. Looks like another great day at the museum. Fun!!

  2. I love seeing sheep with their crew-cuts! Looks like fun.... but did anyone actually make a shawl? For some reason I thought there would be a bunch of women (and men?) siting around knitting... sort of like a Pioneer Museum Stitch 'n Bitch session...

  3. That sheep looks quite dignified in spite of just being shorn.

  4. You got better pics than me! :) I had fun and bought some llama fleece and soap.

    Fran, there were plenty o' knitters and spinners when I got there around 2 pm.
