Thursday, July 8, 2010

Of Books and Cats

I headed over to the president of the Glengarry Historical Society's house the other day to get ready for the launch of the Dictionary of Glengarry Biography. He and his wife have many cats...

...plenty of space for cats on the porch too.

Inside the house, David Anderson, editor extraordinaire, was busy numbering each and every book in a classy, old style way with a crow quill pen.

Here I am with David and Allan Macdonell, president of the Glengarry Historical Society which is the publishing and promoting the book.

Meanwhile, while we numbered and organized books, the cats around us had a good snooze.

Dreaming about countless books or mice, do you suppose?

The author of Dictionary of Glengarry Biography, Royce MacGillivray, will be at a book launch which will take place on Saturday, July 10 from 1-3 p.m. at the Nor'Westers Museum in Williamstown and again on Sunday, July 11, from 1-3 p.m. at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan. To see more about the Dictionary of Glengarry Biographies, click here.


  1. Love the kitties and I hope the launches go well!

  2. Love that second photo. You should draw it!

  3. BTW, that second comment is from Francine formerly in Illinois but presently in Massachusetts!
