Friday, July 30, 2010

Summer Blooms

The summer is flying by and I decided I'd better take some quick photos of the lovely flowers around here before the blooms fade. Here's my boisterous purple phlox...

...and a new addition this year, a dark purple phlox.

My mother's day lilies are pink...

...and these beautiful Asian lilies always smell so fragrant. Ahhhh.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wood Splitting 101

The wood we gathered over last winter is now over grown with weeds. Time to rent the wood splitter!

So, you borrow your neighbour's pickup truck...

...and bring the little darling home.

Here's how it works. You put the piece of wood on the horizontal thingie...

...and then you press the lever for the pneumatic arm thingie... come along and squish the wood...

...into two pieces.

If you're really clever, you can give those two pieces a half turn...

...and split 'em again into four pieces. Cool or what?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

100 Things to Eat Before You Die #4

Hot fudge sundae of any sort. Make sure the fudge is thick and hot. Mine usually includes salty peanuts because I love salt and sweet -- in this case a Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen -- but anything with hot fudge and ice cream works.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cornwall Motor Speedway

I've always wanted to go to the Cornwall Motor Speedway and last Sunday my friends Peggi and Bill took us there. We started with a quick brew at the beer spot...

...then headed over to look at the bleachers. I love how these clever folks placed their chairs for a little back support.

There were lots of signs and driver info all around.

Lots of junk food. There was even poutine!

We headed to the pit gate to see the cars...

...lots of funky coloured vehicles there.

This one was a fave.

Zoom, zoom!

Lucky Peggi brought a few pairs of goggles because the dirt really flies! And lucky I brought my ear plugs too. Man, those cars are LOUD!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Car Show

Last weekend Richard and I headed to a car show. Outside there was a military convoy...

...while inside it was a step back in time to the 1950s.

Lost of neat logos on round signs.

I particularly liked the vintage Texaco wall.

It even had Mr. Texaco checking the oil.

I thought I'd give him a hand...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Murphy at the Museum

You might recall Murphy -- and his now semi-retired brother Midge -- who work at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan as official mousers.

After observing Murphy, I realized he is more than just a mouser. Children love following him around and petting him.

Murphy is pretty curious about what folks are having at their picnics...and if he can get a handout or two, even better.

He loves lying in front of various buildings on the grounds...

...and is happy to pose for photos if the occasion arises.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sheep and Lambs

At the Sheep to Shawl day at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum last weekend, they had several unusual types of sheep. This was a Shropshire Ewe...

...with her mixed breed twin lambs. Aren't they the cutest?

Reminds me of this drawing I did a few years back. Think I'll have to draw the Shropshire clan now.

And by the way, I think I've sworn off lamb chops for a very long time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sheep to Shawl

Last weekend the Glengarry Pioneer Museum hosted a "Sheep to Shawl" event.

It featured all sorts of wool...

...and nifty demonstrations.

Best of all was the sheep sheering.

The guy who did it was very gentle with the sheep...

...who is now wearing her summer outfit.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

On the Links

Last Friday our office closed early... that the entire staff could participate in the Eugene Macdonald Golf Tournament.

Me play golf? After much cramming and training from friends, I headed off to the golf course.

It was what they call "Shot gun start" so you get into your designated cart and a horn sounds and you hit the links.

There was lots of waiting for others to play...

...and friendly encounters with co-workers...

...and even some golf. Lotsa fun. Hope my game improves by next year's tournament!