Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Red Velvet Cake

While in New York City, I noticed a definite trend. Red velvet cake everywhere. Here's a mini cupcake at Lily O'Briens, an Irish chocolate café at Bryant Park.

My niece Sylvie was feeling peckish, so she got herself a slice of their red velvet cake.

While strolling around the city the next day, we spotted these red velvet cupcakes at a bakery called Crumbs.

It put me in mind of a red velvet cake I made a few years ago for a party. I got the recipe from an issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine.

So when I got home from my trip and invited a few family members over for a barbecue, I thought a red velvet cake was just the thing to make for dessert. I think everyone agreed it was a good choice. Great colour, eh? Tasted good too.


  1. I had never heard of a red velvet cake before. What makes it red, I wonder...

  2. Isn't it just what people used to call Devil's Food cake i.e. some red food colouring in a (usually chocolate) cake?

  3. Red Velvet cake is a well-known Southern specialty. If you remember in Steel Magnolias, the groom's cake (shaped like an armadillo) was red velvet. It's really gained in popluarity over the years and seems to be everywhere! The red is food colouring. And yes, it is a chocolate cake...not as much cocoa as a Devil's Food, I don't think, but similar.

  4. You can tell I'm a Nothern Girl!
    But I sure will notice them now and try them on my next trip to NYC.
