Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Contemporary Art in Chicago

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago had some funky stuff on display.

I loved the ottoman art.

Richard danced around the lava rock installation.

I kinda liked this. Perhaps Richard thought the wheel barrows would be better off schlepping wood instead of popcorn and Christmas balls.

Mike Kelley's Craft Morphology Flow Chart was a fave.

He had a room full of stuffed animals and sock monkeys found at flea markets...

... and treated them as scientific subjects.

Measuring them...

...and sketching them and measuring them some more. Kinda cool.

Looking at all that art made us thirsty so we headed to the gallery's Puck restaurant and drank some trendy soda outdoors.


  1. LOVE the sock monkey drawing! ...also the ottomans that looked like black saltines to me!
    Great post!

  2. Well THAT was fun! How great that they had sock monkeys.

    I need to glue some furniture to a wall instead of slaving away at this rug-hooking nonsense...

  3. I had to laugh at the IZZE drinks ...I thought they were the latest edition to your BIG series!
