Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cloud Gate

While in Chicago, we headed over to Millennium Park...

...where they had amazing fountains with various moving faces on them and since it was 89F, the cool water was appreciated by many overheated children.

Also in the park is Cloud Gate by Anish Kapoor.

Because of its shape, it's most often referred to as the Bean.

Richard took some great photos too. Click here to check 'em out!

Underneath the Bean, the reflections get really distorted.

The reflections are amazing.

Here's Richard's self-portrait...

...and here are the two of us as seen in Cloud Gate.


  1. That is an amazing work of Art.
    I like the fact that it is so interactive. Very cool indeed!

  2. I love that park! Did you love watching the people frolic under those fountains? So glad you had a great time in Chicago! Did you have a Chicago dog? Or Italian beef?

  3. Great photos... I love Chicago, and your photos are wonderful! Glad you had a good birthday... Love, your sis.

  4. Wow ...what a fabulous collection of photos. Kind of like Jack and the Reflecting Beanstalk (or Richard and the Reflecting Bean).

  5. I love The Bean! I like standing directly underneath it and looking up.
