Thursday, May 27, 2010

Art at the MoMA

While in New York, we had to check out the recently renovated Museum of Modern Art. One of the shows was performance artist Marina Abramović. I personally didn't want to spend much time sitting and staring at the artist, like some lucky soul was doing here, so spent much of my time on the fourth and fifth floors in the painting and sculpture section.

It was like visiting old friends; art I just love and usually only see in books. Like this Joseph Cornell...

...this Diego Rivera...

...Jasper Johns.

I just loved this Paul Klee kitty cat and bird.

MoMa encouraged photography, sans flash...

...and it was fun to catch all the people interacting with Matisse...

...and Mondrian.

Broadway Boogie Woogie, one of my faves, I hadn't seen since Grade 11.

Claes Oldenberg and his pastry. The best!

Picasso's classic Demoiselles d'Avignon...

...and Van Gogh's Starry Night. Wowza!

Jackson Pollock's classic abstract expressionist canvas...

...and hello Andy!


  1. It was teh greatest! I love MOMA... even with the crowds.. and being with you and Sam, Sylv and Maureen was just tons of fun! I see another trip in our future... xo yer Sis

  2. Love this post...and love the MOMA!
    Must go back this year.
    You brought back great memories.

  3. Great photojournalism! I have always loved going to MOMA and you have captured the feeling of seeing all the great art, with people all around, the ambiance, everything. Thanks for the lift from my daily routine.

  4. OMG, those are all my faves, too! Makes me realize that I need a trip to NYC as well. So glad you posted these pix.

  5. Thanks for all your NY posts. There's nowhere like the Big Apple and I especially liked this trip down memory lane via my art MOMA.

  6. Like many other painters, I have been inspired by Paul Klee and his work.

  7. ronna - borrowed your broadway boogie-woogie image to illustrate a comment i made on mondrian...

    thank you.
