Thursday, April 15, 2010

Show Me The Monkey!

The upcoming issue of ATC Quarterly has a terrific challenge. Sock Monkeys! Yup, I'm looking for artist trading cards (2.5" x 3.5") that feature sock monkeys. Don't be shy! Deadline: May 15. E-mail hi-rez jpegs to me at or snail mail (with SASE) to me at: ATC Quarterly, 19698 County Rd. 24, Dunvegan, ON K0C 1J0.
BTW, that's Natalie holding her sock monkey. Hey Natalie, where's your sock monkey ATC?


  1. Is that the monkey in the red coat?!!!

    (I'll get on that monkey card!)

  2. Pleeze sur.. you have a minkee in your back?

  3. Hey! I recognize one of those sock mockeys. He starred in a video produced by Natalie. Did you get his autograph? LOL
