Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Good Sign

Spring is definitely here! The red-winged blackbirds always beat out the robins for a sure sign of spring and the blackbirds are out in force this week. Every 100 yards or so you see another male, singing his guts out, staking claim to his territory before his mate heads this way later on in the spring. A bunch of boys singing in the woods. Sounds like Alexandria on any given Saturday night!


  1. What a great illustration of the red-winged blackbird. Is it an ATC? Who did it?

  2. Love the painting. My yard is filled with the lusty cry of Red-wings and Robins too. Gotta love it.

  3. No boys in my woods (sigh) but the robins are back in the yard and the cardinals have moved up from downtown!

  4. Love this one!

    We have hordes of blackbirds and grackles visiting our feeders right now. Have you seen a robin yet?

  5. Elisabeth: the red-winged blackbird is part of a new series of folk art paintings I did on wood last week. I am trying to keep them under wraps...but this guy was just too pertinent!
    Knat: No robins yet...

  6. Love the folk art! We have the redwings, the cardinals, the jays AND the robins. Is there a sports team called the Robins?

  7. I don't know if there are any Robin teams...but the good news is is that I saw my first robin on my lawn today! Yipee!!
