Wednesday, March 3, 2010

General Store in Rooseveltown, NY

Last week I made a quick visit to the U.S. to Rooseveltown, NY, just over the border from Cornwall.

I've seen this old general store a few times and always wanted to go in.

The signs are so fabulous.

Nice coke clock.

It's a real general store on the inside selling canned goods and chips...

...and some work clothes and boots too.

The lady who owned it said that the store had been there for 70 years. I'm pretty sure this gum is younger than that but I'm not sure about the rack it's in. Love this place!


  1. Fabulous store!
    I am making a mental not to go see it when I am in that area.

  2. If you want to see a great general store, come visit our new place. The general store in North Augusta is called Finucan's and has been run by the same family for 45 years. Not sure how long it was in existence before that. It is absolutely packed with everything from soup to nuts and fresh meat brought in from your neck of the woods every Saturday. Yummy stuff!
