Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Raccoons Beware!

Raccoons have broken into my storage shed so Richard and I decided to find the hole (we did) and cover it over (we did that too). But we also had to remove all their mess (yuck). Shredded boxes, styrofoam and paper bits and poop! I was warned about removing animal poop so that's why I have my version of the HasMat suit on. Life in the country, eh?


  1. How fetching.

  2. Gotta love country living. What is life without a little poop thrown in? I'm sure those raccoons were very comfy in there. We too have had to deal with those masked rascals.

  3. Love the gloves. Just right for Valentine's day.

  4. Better that those little rascals broke into your shed and not in your attic! I hear that they can do a whole heck of a lot of damage! You were very smart to wear a mask during your clean-up.

  5. You country people know how to have a good time.

  6. So had they been chowing down at the Bothy Brew?
