Saturday, February 27, 2010

Olympic Fever

The Olympics are over tomorrow and I'm really going to miss them. I watched hours of curling (?), skiing, speed-skating and, of course, hockey. Tomorrow is the gold medal round in men's hockey (Canada vs. USA) and then the closing ceremonies. I wonder what Canadian talent they'll feature? Celine Dion? Michael Bublé? Nickelback? Hmm.

Here's a photo of me and my friend Roberta when the summer Olympics were in Montréal in 1976. We attended every event we could get tickets for (sometimes standing room) and generally had the most amazing time just walking around the streets and people watching.


  1. That's when I lived downtown... and watched the Marathon from my apartment window!

  2. Oh my God, look at you, you youngster!!!!That's so great you got to attend the '76 Olympics!

  3. My husband lived in Dorval during the 76 Games and was able to attend. His younger sister was fortunate enough to be one of the many who carried the torch! We are enjoying the Vancouver games very much but alas, from the comfort of our den, not in person! Great picture of you and your friend Roberta :)
    p.s. I love people watching too!

  4. Hey I went to a couple of events in 1976. The most memorable one was when Princess Ann fell off her horse! I was there. I went to events at each of the venues in the city too. The stadium, the velodrome, the pool and the rowing basin. It was an exciting time for sure!
