Wednesday, February 3, 2010

By the Light of the Moon

Last Saturday was the largest full moon of the year -- when it looks the largest to us here on Earth, anyhow. It's called the Full Wolf Moon and it was big! We were invited to a moonlight snowshoe and I was intrigued. About 15 of us strapped on the shoes and off into the woods we all went. We were out for a little over an hour and even though it was -22C, once you got into the woods and there was no wind, it was surprisingly warm. We returned to mugs of hot cocoa and bowls of mulligatawny soup and warm biscuits. Okay, sometimes winter ain't so bad, right?


  1. I'd never heard of the Full Wolf Moon. What a great name. Full moons in the winter are awesome.

  2. Snowshoeing under the full moon sounds like fun. The hot cocoa sounds pretty good, too!
