Thursday, January 14, 2010

Winter Birds at my Feeder

I have a bird feeder pretty close to my window so it's easy to see the visitors. Here is an American Goldfinch. He's much brighter in summer with his yellow plumage.

The chickadees are my favourite because they're so friendly.

This year I got a peanut feeder which keeps the blue jays busy and distracted.

The mourning doves roost in the spruce tree behind them in this picture. I put seed on the ground for them because they don't use the feeder.

Today I saw a pair of male cardinals. These guys are usually pretty shy and come to eat at dusk but today they were here mid-day.

This northern shrike was last year's visitor and grabbed a mouse right out of the snow as I was watching from the window. When it appears, all the other birds scram!


  1. This blog entry is for the birds.

  2. The Chickadee eating out of your hand. That must be just awesome!
    I wanna try that!

  3. Your photos are beautiful. I wish I could have taken a photo as good as these last Sunday. I looked out my kitchen window and saw a Northern Goshawk standing over something it had just killed. It was an enormous bird, noble and beautiful, but also very deadly.

  4. I love your bird pics. I really like the happy little noises the nuthatches make.

  5. Loved your pics Ronna. I spend hours outdoors every day taking pics of the birds in the woods around my home. You are so lucky! I'm still waiting to spot a goldfinch or a cardinal and get a good snapshot of them.

  6. Dropping into your blog to enjoy the winter bird pics. Thanks Ronna!

  7. Beautiful bird pictures! I wish I could have feeders but they don't allow them where I live. How did you get that chickadee to land on your hand? Those red cardinals are so gorgeous. We don't have them in the western states, but gosh I would love to see one.

  8. The secret to the chickadee on your hand is to have run out of food and just before you refill the feeders, put your hand out with seed and wait a few minutes. Sometimes it takes a while but they are very curious birds and eventually will land in your hand. A really neat feeling.

  9. Great bird pictures, Ronna. That shrike looks so belligerent behind his mask.

  10. I love these. I wish a shrike would visit my yard!
