Monday, January 4, 2010

President's Choice Hors d’Oeuvres

The holidays seem to be hors d'oeuvres time. This year we tried two made by President's Choice, sold at the local grocery store. My fave from last year, fig and goat cheese in puff pastry blooms...

...are little, delightful bites.

New this year were mini-beef Wellingtons...

...which come in individually prepared pastry shells.

I stuck 'em both on a cookie sheet and baked them at the same time. They came out of the oven all golden and toasty.

Two thumbs up to the mini-beef Wellingtons. (The fig and goat cheese ones came out of the oven first and they were eaten before I remembered to photograph them.)


  1. Those mini-beef Wellington look amazingly(?) tasty on that diner plate!
    I must experience this delicacy soon.


  2. I like the Goat and fig treats. I forgot to buy some this year. Maybe this week.

  3. Ah yes, President's Choice (or Choix du Presidente)! That store brand will forever remind me of a Dominion in Toronto, where we went when we were low on vacation money and we wanted to eat 'like locals'. :D These hors d'oeuvres look DELISH!
