Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Amazing Cousin Jane

My amazing cousin Jane is off via military transport to join a surgical team for two weeks to Haiti to help in the relief efforts there.

She is an anesthesiologist and I'm sure her two weeks in Haiti will be well spent. We're all very proud of her and are praying for her safety and also for her quick return.


  1. What an amazing woman! I wish her well, and safe journey.

  2. I will pray not only for her physical safety but her emotional safety as she will surely have to deal with very difficult situations.

  3. We all have to admire your cousin and others like her. I for one am humbled by their selfless actions. Yet another reason why we should be proud of our country and her people.

  4. That's Jane! She's the greatest... and a sweet, gentle, funny gal.
