Friday, January 8, 2010

Crazy Food

I bought these candies at Chapter's because I just loved the packaging (and they were half price). Dark chocolate with a crunchy mint interior. What could be better?

For the retro supper of the year award, I baked Richard these Pillsbury crescent rolls with hot dogs. My mom used to make them for me in the late 60s or early 70s and I just loved them. You know what? They tasted exactly the same!


  1. But you left out the Kraft Cheese slices! Remember Mum used to add them in for a special touch! (Sure beats the garnishing with Kraft Miniature Marshmallows!). Oh, and I seem to recall that Larry usually ate the lion's share...xxoo Yer sis

  2. Oh my gosh -- my mother used to make the same thing for me and my sister and brother way back in the dark ages (early 60's) too! And I used to love them -- so warm and greasy and nothing healthy about them. Thanks for the memories.

  3. Pigs in Blankets! Richard is so lucky!!
