Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snow Trail at Night

Richard and I went to a party in the woods last night. The trail was marked with small bonfires and kerosene lanterns.

The end of the trail had a huge bonfire surrounded by several snow sofas and seats.

Richard and I tried to stay cozy on a snow sofa.

Don't you just love the sock monkey (not mine!) standing guard over a tiki light and a snowman?

When the bonfire got going, it threw a lot of heat. It was only -2C and I was actually overdressed and almost too warm. Lucky the party wasn't tonight though. Today the weather has changed and it's -19C and really windy with a windchill of almost -30C!


  1. You country people...

  2. Brrr and beautiful! Looks like fun...

  3. Okay, that looks like a blast BUT I think that's cruel and unusual punishment for a sock monkey!!
