Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cinnamon 1996-2009

My late father and I adopted Cinnamon from the SPCA in Cornwall, Ontario in the spring of 1998 when he was about two years old.

From the start he was one of those cats with tons of personality.

He became office manager and bossed all the other cats around.

When I adopted Cookie and Oreo about four years later, he made best friends with Cookie...

...and they were inseparable.

One time he got a skin condition and had to wear the cutest little t-shirt that Richard found for him.

Cinnamon got quite sick last week and yesteday I had to have him put down. A very sad day.

I just loved Cinnamon. He was such a good friend to me.

I'll miss you my sweet Cinny.


  1. Ronna,

    I am very sorry to read about your loss. Animals become such a part of us don't they. Cats really are independant and have that way of pulling us in. Each as an individual.

  2. Your sweet tribute to Cinnamon brought tears to my eyes, Ronna. Having pets can be so difficult sometimes because we know, ultimately, our hearts will be broken. And yet, what would life be like without them? My deepest sympathy to you all.

  3. My condolences to you and the other felines in your life. A sad day indeed. Hugs to you all. Our furry friends always leave holes in our hearts when they are no longer with us.

  4. Oh Ronna, I am so sorry!! I wish I had had a chance to meet your beautiful kitty boy in person. I love the photo of you holding him, and of your Dad shaking his paw.Well, all the photos are great. What a gorgeous cat. It's so painful when they leave us. I send you a big hug.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about Cinnamon. What a beautiful cat.

  6. Hi, Ronna. I love that picture of your dad with Cinnamon. So perfect of both of them! So sorry to hear about what happened this weekend. We lost our 17 year old kitty Newton in January and we are still sad. But I am sure there are kittens in store for us in the spring. Maybe someone will show up at your doorstep or in the barn . . . Best to you and Cookie and Oreo.

  7. Hi Ronna,

    So sorry to hear about Cinnamon. That was a great tribute in pictures. We'll be thinking of you today.

  8. Sir Cinnamon - you will be missed by all of those who knew and loved you - humans and cats alike.

  9. He was a wonderful guy! I'll miss him. xxoo yer sis

  10. Speaking from personal experience, keep your chin up, Francine!
    I bet his spirit is lurking somewhere...waiting to pounce.

  11. Thanks to everyone for your kind wishes. The house is definitely not the same without Cinnamon. Oddly enough, I keep thinking that I see him and realize it's just a shadow. Sadly, no one greets me at the door when I come in anymore. Cinnamon was the official greeter and loved visitors. I really miss that boy!

  12. So sorry to hear about your special friend, Ronna. He brought joy to your life for over ten years! I wish you peace during this sad time - Mel

  13. I'm just catching up on my blog reading tonight and I was so sad to learn about your dear friend Cinnamon. My thoughts are with you.

  14. I'm sorry you lost your little buddy, Ronna.

  15. Hi r,
    I am so sorry I didn't know about Cinnamon. He was always a highlight of my visits to you. Not to mention, he was just gorgeous. My heart goes out to you. It leaves a hole when one of our furry friends leaves.
    Love, R
