Saturday, November 28, 2009

Kitty Cat Dreams ATCs

I did this set of ATCs for our monthly artist trading card swap which is today at 2 p.m. The cards combine cat rubber stamps I bought in Portland, Oregon some years back at a funky shop called Collage. I combined those images with rubber stamped snowflakes and various stars I've collected over the years. I also added wooden cats to some and little word disks to others.


  1. Hey, they turned out great! Hope you have a grand day tomorrow. Wish I could be there.

  2. Your ATC's look great. I like the combination of the stamps and wooden cats.

  3. Love the cards! Wish I'd made it out to trade.

  4. I got one, I got one, neener neener neeeeeeener!

  5. Ronna, they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute.
    I just love the one with the wooden cat with the ruber stamp of the rotund cat with the black patch . He looks just like Georges.
    Anne's 24 yr old cat.
    Hope you saved me one! PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE.

  6. I traded them ALL Elisabeth...but I can try and make you one more!!
