Monday, November 23, 2009

Issa aka Jane Siberry

Yesterday, Richard and I headed to Vankleek Hill (about 15 minutes from my place) to see Issa, the artist formerly known as Jane Siberry.

I missed seeing her in the early 80s when I was busy working at enumerating for a Federal election and she was performing at the Rivoli on Queen Street in Toronto. I remember seeing by all my friend lined up for the show and I couldn't go. I was bummed.

But I got my chance to see her on Sunday performing in the auditorium of a local high school. She's fantastic!

After the show I got to tell her I'd waited some 25 years to finally see see her perform live.

And I got her to autograph her latest CD for me.

I guess it's true that good things come to those who wait.

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