Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Graffiti in the Bahamas

I noticed (how could you miss it?) this graffiti-styled art on an abandoned building near the public beach in Nassau.

Pretty cool. But I couldn't help but wonder if it was actually graffiti or graffiti-styled advertising. Even the security camera is splashed with orange paint.

Note the website for spray painted into the image. Not sure which part is art and which part is advertising. Hmmm. Maybe that's the point?

This fabulously painted cement wall was in front of a work site.

I spotted this insect painted in various empty spots around the city. Love it.


  1. Okay, I detest graffiti. Although it may appear to be an excusable art form to some, I feel it is merely an act of defacement - often done by some very talented souls who probably have no other creative outlet. It's an ugly and depressing refection of our world - but not inspiring - the way I wish all art to be.

    Having just said that, maybe it is "art"...

  2. Looks like art that's been tagged. That happens out here in Stumptown--people do really beautiful murals and then others tag them. So I'd say some of what you have is defaced art.

  3. I disagree with Addison Dewitt. I've seen many examples of graffiti that are much more interesting than the dull excuses for art that often are in the galleries. And what is meant by "inspiring"?
