Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Colours of Nassau

Last week Richard and I took a 2 day cruise from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to the Bahamas which stopped in the capital city of Nassau.

The colours were astounding.

We walked for hours in the sun and gawked at the architecture.

Lovely, eh?

And this was no set up for tourists. This cop was really directing traffic...and it seemed to me, taking his life into his hands.

We also took a glass bottom boat tour and saw amazingly colourful fish, which were impossible to photograph. From the boat we passed by Paradise Island with the Atlantis Hotel in the background. It's just huge!

Later, back in Nassau, we headed to the public beach. Richard took off to take photos.

I had to get that white sand between my toes.

The water was so turquoise, the air was 90F with a breeze. I'm ready to go back!


  1. Brave cop!!

    Beautiful ocean and sand... ahhhhhh! Sounds like you two had a great trip. (What, no poutine in Nassau!?)

  2. None in Nassau but I could kick myself. I was poking around the web and found that there was poutine in Orlando at Epcot at the Canadian pavillion's restaurant. And we were there!! We'll just have to go back, eh?
