Monday, October 26, 2009

Twenty Things to Make: ATCs

The good folks at Search Press sent me a neat little book entitled "Twenty Things to Make: Artist Trading Cards" and I thought it'd be fun to have a blog give-away. Here's what to do. Leave me a comment about why you like making artist trading cards (or why you'd like to start making them!) and I'll choose a name at random and send you the book. Deadline: post your comment before Oct. 31. I'll announce the winner on Nov. 1 so be sure to check back!


  1. I love making ATCs because I am a very creative soul at heart and nobody seems to know it. In a small way, ATCs give me a chance to express myself visually when I feel all those around me chose not to listen.

    Did I win the book?

  2. I like making ATCs because I'm always scared to start a new project because I get in way over my head! But trying things on ATCs is so much easier since they are little and give me the opportunity to just give it a go!

  3. I like making ATCs because it's so much fun sharing these mini-artworks with others in the group, and getting a whole lotta artistic inspiration from the creativity of fellow artists!

  4. I'm not going to win, am I?

  5. Addison: I'll letcha know on Sunday! Keep your pants on!!

  6. Hi

    I like making ATC's, but life seems to get out of the way and I have only been able to trade twice so far. It is fun to get the magazine and see what people have created. I can express my creative side when I create. Thanks.

  7. I've never done ATCs - but would just love the free book to help me get started.

  8. I love making ATC because it gets me to do work by hand and not by computer. I can express myself in any long as it is 2,5 x 3,5 inches and, of course, fits in the sleeve! Almost 7 years, and I am still at it.

    Forget it Addison Dewitt, this book's mine!

  9. I love making ATCs because it gives me a chance to PLAY -- I feel like a kid again, with my scissors and glue and coloured paper and stickers and, and, and... Often, I don't know what I'm going to do when I start, but the material takes over and the ideas just start popping up. It's exciting to see where the process takes me. Then it is exciting to go to the trade and see where it has taken other people. It's my monthly mental and creative oasis in a desert of blah everyday concerns.

  10. Is there a runner-up prize perhaps? If so, I'd also love to win that ATC tote bag?

  11. And if I did win the tote bag, I give it to Elisabeth...

  12. I love making ATCs because it lets me play with new ideas and new materials without losing a week and costing a fortune. Sometimes I get an "art high" just sorting them by colour for the binder pages. I love people who do stuff I would never do - they make me want to stretch! - Penelope in Vancouver, BC

  13. This would make the perfect gift for my mom who loves to send in her ATCs to your group!! What a grand giveaway.

  14. I didn't know there was a ATC tote bag... to tote those many binders, no doubt!

    Thanks Addison.

  15. The best part about making ATC's is the fun we have when we do it as a group, once every couple of months.
    Terry S.

  16. The fame attained with a trade is uplifting!
    Barbara R.

  17. I know I'm too late for the give-a-way, but I just wanted to add that ATCs always make me happy ... making them, teaching my kids paper arts workshops who LOVE ATCs, trading them, looking at the ones I've traded for, looking at ATCs on-line and in magazines, finding 'little stuff' for ATCs ... etc etc etc!!
