Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Last Supper

With all the heavy frost this week, my garden is finally done. But before the heavy frost I took in all manner of goodies: mini-zucchini and patty pans, carrots, tomatoes, mini-eggplants, and a few small onions...

...and I threw them all into a fry pan and gave them a quick fry up. Sesame seeds were not local.


  1. Makes you want to get out there and start spreading the manure, eh?

  2. What are patty pants?

    You should save those baby onions for beef bourguignon. I hear it is making a comeback thanks to Julie and Julia.

  3. Wow,it looks very good.An recipe for this do you have? I want made my one.

  4. Newsman: the manure is going on this aft...I just bought 2 bags of sheep manure. Yippee!
    Elisabeth: it's patty PANS not PANTs (although I like the sound of that). I should have written "patty pan squash." They are the little yellow things that I split in half.
    Foldcat: no recipe. Just wing it. Add some oil and stir fry. I added the tomatoes after everything else had cooked because they cook so quickly.

  5. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog this morning, Ronna. Your dinner last night looks fresh, healthy, and delicious. Yum!

  6. Mmm, a thing of beauty and I bet it tasted yummy too!

  7. Ooops... that`s what I get for sneaking a comment on a blog during work hours. Either that or I need new glasses.

    (They did look like little pants to me! )

    Miniature squash....I bet it was delicious!
