Friday, October 2, 2009

Down Under Lunch

I had friends visiting from New Zealand over for lunch yesterday so I put together a light lunch. A selection of cheeses...

...a warm, olive miche...

...curried deviled eggs plus a salad made up from the garden: the last tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper with basil leaves.

I also made a charred, marinated eggplant dish. I oiled and grilled both sides of the unpeeled eggplant slices. Then I poured over them some maple-balsamic vinegar and olive oil, topped with a little salt and pepper. Turned out great.
Was nice to see my friends from the other side of the world and can't wait till I can go eat lunch at their place.


  1. You know, I never knew Marble cheese existed until I went to Ontario.
    Love the Eggplant dish... and I mean the dish...mind you those eggplant slices look delish as well.

  2. I've discovered a pattern in my life. I go to Ronna's blog, I look at the photos, I get hungry. I go to Ronna's blog, I look at the photos, I get hungry. Nothing in the fridge is ever as good as what's on your blog EXCEPT for that jar of South African pickles that YOU actually made!!

    I. Am. Starving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
