Monday, September 14, 2009

Really Big Show

The show on Saturday was tons of fun. Thanks to everyone who dropped by. Was fun, eh?

There was plenty of stuff to look at...

...and good snacks to munch on.

Sylvia, my 91-year-old aunt (on the left) from Ottawa, attended as did my friend Janet from nearby Alexandria. They had a good visit. We all had a great day and now I'm going to pack up and exhale!


  1. I found one of those napkins crumpled up in Gordon's pocket when I did laundry yesterday!!!

    THe food looks great. I so wanna come to the next one.

  2. It was more than a show and sale - it was a great party! Not only am I pleased with my new teapot and cup etc., I also had a really good time chatting with everyone else who was there. Thanks for a really fun day.

  3. Congrats, Ronna! Looks like a fun time was had by all... Love ya!
