Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Me and...

It seems I spend much of my time with at least one cat, this time with my big bruiser, Cinnamon.

Most of the time it's a handful of cats: the calicos Nutmeg and Cookie with Cinnamon.

Here's Jack, a stray who showed up here one autumn day and along with her sister Jill, got adopted by a wonderful family in Montreal.

When I heard the Fran had adopted kittens, I just had to go over and check them out. Cuteness for sure!

And here's a photo of me with Richard's cats Barney and Skanoo. Barney looks none too pleased with me, now does he?

Richard snapped this one just last weekend. Barney still looks a little miffed. I guess I just want to hold him too much. I can't help myself...


  1. Awwwww, I love the kitties!! Another 593 of 'em and you'll be the crazy cat lady. I especially like the last shot.

  2. Ronna, I know you don't watch much t.v., how could you with all the things you do, but there is a program coming up all about the crazy cat ladies. I think it's on TVO. I'll record it for you!

  3. Fran: are you insinuating something...?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, I want my own kitty-cats ...tons of them. Much as I love dogs, there's nothing like a feline snuggle.
