Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labouring on Labour Day

The weekend began with the final plastering in the kitchen. Then Richard and I put the cupboard back up.

And then I decided to freshen things up with some 1950s-looking shelf paper...

...which goes perfectly with my 1950s-type* dishes.
*Oops: should read 1960s-type dishes!

Cleaning up, I noticed a mouse had visited my tea towel drawer so everything in it had to be washed and dried.

While the towels were drying in the warm wind, Richard and I whipped up a batch of bread and butter pickles...

...and baked a few pans of ginger cookies as well.

And then we tucked into some fresh corn on the cob for lunch.

We ran over to Hawkesbury so Richard could cover the Auto Exposition for his newspaper.

We came back to have our neighbour Bill help Richard put a new vent on the roof...

...and later on Richard had to add more caulking to the job.

While he was up there he trimmed a few trees that have grown over the roof.

And then we sat back and had grilled veggie pizza and Mojitos in the gazebo. Phew!


  1. You are not supposed to Labour on Labour day... It's supposed to be a non-labour day... maybe they should change the name!

  2. I'm tired just reading this... you guys sure know how to make the most of a day!!!

  3. Those dishes are from the 60s Rouge. Corning Ware--a spin off of the Great Space Race. "Made from the same material as nose cones!"

  4. Good heavens! I couldn't get all that done in a week, much less a day!!!
