Monday, September 21, 2009

Ithaca Farmers Market

Richard and I made a quick weekend visit to Ithaca, New York to visit my sister and family. On Saturday morning we went over to the Ithaca Farmers Market. It is a really happening place! (To see a few of Richard's photos, click here.)

There is so much organic produce...

...and heritage apples as well as other fabulous fruit available.

At lunchtime the place is buzzing...they offer a myriad of things to eat like Cuban food...

...and fabulous, organic baked goods.

Macro Mamas had a lineup for its fantastic lunch.

The market is on the edge of Cayuga Lake so people sat on the edge of a dock eating their lunch...and feeding the ducks

Besides food there were tons of plants to choose from.

And there were, as the sign says, Plenty of Posies.

It was hard to choose what to buy.

Imagine a bouquet of these beauties?

In the end we brought my sister back a small bunch of vibrant favourite.

Meanwhile, we were going back to my sis's place for lunch so we had a light snack... artichoke baked into a cheese-covered bun.

We sat on a parkbench in the dappled sunlight, looking at the water. A perfect way to spend a few hours.

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