Friday, September 11, 2009

Ceramic Show

I've laid out all my painted ceramics...

...and am ready for the games to begin.

The show is at my place on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you need directions e-mail me:

I even have an "oops" table of things that didn't fire well or things that are "as is" or old stock that I want to move.

And if you come for a visit, I'll pour you a spot of tea. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. Sure hope you can make it.


  1. You're SO prolific and talented!!! I told Gordon to take the chequebook tomorrow. I am sorry I have to miss it!!!

  2. The stuff looks fabulous. Wish I could beam myself there to do some shopping! Good luck on Saturday. xxoo SIS

  3. Someone has been busy... do you ever sleep?

  4. The weather is supposed to be fabulous tomorrow so it should be a great day for it. Everything looks so tempting - I'm already planning on what I'd like to get.

  5. Looks like it will be a real treat for those who visit. I'll be thinking of you. Everything looks fabulous!!!!!

  6. Good luck Ronna... you're stuff looks fabulous... wish I was able to get there tomorrow... hope you sell out!!!

  7. My, you are prolific!
    Everything looks great!
    Sorry I will have to miss it, I have a friend coming from CT.
    Good luck. Get much $$$$$.
