Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tomato & Peach Salad

Being invited to a few impromptu potluck dinners lately, I've had to throw together a last minute dish to bring along. This salad was made from ingredients I had around the house...either in the garden or in the fridge...and it was a real hit.
Mix together:
3 or 4 ripe tomatoes, roughly chopped (I used 2 yellow and one red)
1 or 2 peaches, peeled and sliced
half a sweet onion, diced
6 basil leaves, torn

Combine (approximately):
2/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup white balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper

Pour over salad and let marinate a few hours in refrigerator. Serve with slotted spoon. This salad is sweet and tart and yummy! Enjoy.


  1. So, I have to go to a highly competitive tomato potluck in 3 weeks. Should this be my dish?

  2. This looks so good! Almost all of my 40-odd tomato plants have late blight. It's killing me.
