Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Staycation Adventures Part 1

A reader of Richard's column offered him (and me) a trip in his boat and it was a sunny day so we jumped at the chance.

He took us all over the Ottawa river and to some canals. Here is the Grenville lighthouse.

Richard was at the front of the boat, getting some wind in his hair.

I spotted a bald eagle in a dead tree.

As we crossed under the Long Sault Bridge (the former Perly Bridge) that goes from Hawkesbury, ON to Grenville, QC we noticed Cliff Swallow nests underneath it.

Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonata) are colony dwellers who make mud jugs for their nests.

And then we high-tailed it back to the shore for more adventures. Stay tuned.


  1. Looks like a grand adventure. No passports, or airports or long line-ups either. Perfect!

  2. I'm sorry?... you on a boat?

  3. I was excited to see your photo of the bald eagle. We have one here in Pointe Fortune, with two youngsters in tow, but I never got my camera in time.
