Friday, August 7, 2009

Leafy Updates

With all the rain and cooler-than-normal weather, the lettuce in my garden has lasted a lot longer than usual. The leaf lettuce has been producing for a month or more.

This butter lettuce is just gorgeous and delicate.

And the romaine is incredible. I have two smallish gardens and had another row of romaine in the upper garden but the deer got it. How much lettuce do I need anyhow?

Needless to say, Caesar salads have been a staple around here.


  1. You have beautiful lettuce! And I want that salad.

    My garden is insane, and I can't believe I've still got peas in August. Whacky weather. Now the pumpkins are going mad and are strangling the tomatoes. I need to get down there with a machete today.

  2. Great shots of the lettuce. And I can attest that it tastes as good as it looks! Yum!

  3. Those Golden Helmets are a hard act to follow...

  4. Thanks. Now I know what to call all those leaves in my 'mesclun' patch. On the topic of Caesar Salad, have you ever noticed how many restaurant menus misspell Caesar?
