Thursday, August 20, 2009

Garden Report

With the current heat wave, the gardens are in full throttle. But you've got to remember to take time to smell the phlox!

My Asiatic lilies were as nice as they've ever been. This is the first year I had five blooms on a stem.

Very, very pretty.

My gladiolas are starting to go mad too. The first ones that have bloomed are from my mother's collection. She loved this amazing, bright red colour. (More glad pics will be coming; stay tuned.)

I always plant a package of nasturtiums to run along one of the out buildings behind my house.

Pretty...and edible too.

The lettuce is still producing but it'll be past its prime in a few days with this heat.

And the carrots are kicking in. What's up, doc?

1 comment:

  1. Your flowers are gorgelous! Love those nasturtiums...and the lilies so exotic.
