Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Poutine Chronicles 2009 #3

Richard and I spent yesterday at the Lachute Flea Market, the best flea market ever! We have taken an annual trek there for several years now. It is packed with everything imaginable. But no trip to the market would be complete without a stop for poutine on the way home. This place was on Hwy. 148 outide of Lachute and we waited FOREVER for the food. But I saw the fries being made fresh and they were crispy outside and soft inside! And the guy did 2 layers of fries and curds. Yum.
Rating on the poutine scale: 4.5 curds out of 5.


  1. Gotta try some of that some day!

  2. Good lord, woman! Every time I see a photo of you, you have poutine (or butterscotch pie!) in your hands. I have been craving it since your first poutine post... I need to get me some of that.

  3. Hey Knatolee: I guess I'd better start posting some of the salads I'm eating too...I just post the "good" stuff, ya know?

  4. Hi Ronna
    We met briefly when Kate brought me to one of your ATC monthly meetings last summer. I have to say I really enjoy your blog - it has everything I love to read about. Food, art, local places I know of, food, more art....did I say food? Between the cakes with molten glazes and the poutine, I'm hungry for more!
    I'm looking forward to the movie Julie and Julia and may try and read the book too before I go.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. No! No salads! Just good stuff! And I NEED some poutine!!
