Friday, July 10, 2009

Painting Ceramics

I've been painting quite a lot lately, trying to get ready for some fall shows I have lined up.

It seems odd to be painting like a fiend when fall seems so far away.

But we all know how fast the seasons seem to creep up on us.

So paint, paint, paint for me.

I love this large cheese server, about 14" across, made as a request for a friend who wanted something that looked like the aftermath of a great party. Cheese crumbs.


  1. Ronna, you're just a hive of industry. I love the humour in your work.

  2. We've been gerring a very nice smoked mozzarella lately, treccione affumicato. Make a place on your next cheese platter!

  3. You have such a nice blog. I like the eat your veggie bowls and the teapot is gorgous...I paint ceramics too but I use the dry brush method and mostly paint figurines... It's nice to meet you. :O)
