Monday, June 29, 2009

Party Time!

Our monthly artist trading card (ATC) meeting was held last Saturday at our local recreation hall. Here we are setting up cards and getting them ready to trade.

Since our December trade had freezing rain, our party was limited to folks who could skate over, so we decided to have a Christmas in June party.

We also decided to hold a swap meet where folks could bring whatever they wanted to give away and also take whatever they wanted. In the spirit of ATC, no money changed hands. There was some great stuff: a fax machine, phone, back pack, DVDs and CDs, hand-made ceramics...folks who said they didn't want to bring anything home still managed to find things to take back with them.

After a busy time of trading cards and swapping, it was time to eat.

Here's our summer gang. It seemed a good portion of folks were away this weekend and couldn't make we'll see them for the next photo op in December.

Natalie brought this cake which says it all: ATC Rocks!


  1. Sounds like fun! Wish I'd been there...

  2. Sorry to have missed this one, everyone looks great in the group photo. Who took the pic?

  3. That Gordon sure knows how to get in a photo, eh? Publicity hog!

    What a great party, Ronna. Thanks! And I love my Carol-pottery.
