Thursday, May 21, 2009

More More More Morels

I couldn't help myself. I went back into the woods yesterday on the search for more morels...

...and I found two more pounds of them!

So that meant open-faced grilled cheese and morel sandwiches for lunch.

Creamed morels with peas and peppers on pasta for supper.

And a morel omelette for breakfast this morning.

Richard tasted the omelette...

...and gave it a thumbs up.

As for me, I have morels coming out of my ears!


  1. girl, obsessed.

  2. I guess that's the origin of the famous phrase "the morel, the merrier" .. right?

  3. rofl.

    more morels! how can one person stand all the deliciousness?

  4. 2 pounds? Looks like a kilo to me...

  5. I found four good-sized Morels in our front yard. Fried them up in butter and served them to the guys with dinner. They were a hit! Thanks for sharing those great pics. The food looks fab!

  6. Hee hee hee... all these morel dishes look so darn good!

  7. I'm salivating over your photos as usual. I could eat a couple of pounds of morels RIGHT NOW!!!
