Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Holly's Birthday Gift

Sixteen friends got together to do a group birthday gift for our friend Holly. We got together late last year to have wine and dessert (natch) and to throw around a few ideas as to what we should do. We decided on each of us completing a 3" x 5" canvas. I decided to paint Oreo, one of my cats with whom Holly has a special bond.

Several months later, the group met again and this time we brought our completed canvases.

We put them together with velcro tabs attached to long ribbons hung from a wooden dowel.

It came together beautifully...

The miniature works of art were wonderful, each recalling a special moment each artist shared with Holly.

...and here is the final piece of work, hanging in Holly's screened-in porch, where she can enjoy it while sipping on her morning tea.


  1. I think that's fabulous... I love the idea and the finished piece is so lovely and personal.
    It's art cards... with a twist ( and a different size!)
    love it.

  2. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift.
