Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fun Food

When I stayed overnight at Carol's place in Dorval, the night before our art show, she served me funky, checkerboard ice cream for dessert.

Isn't this this coolest?

And the day after that, Richard and I drove up to Wakefield, QC to see his mum for Mother's Day. On our way home, we stopped in Plaisance at a cheese shop and found barbecue cheese curds. (Note to John: Imagine them on poutine?)

My job was to feed the driver.


  1. Oooh, barbeque cheese curds! Next week I am heading off to central Wisconsin -- epicenter of cheesecurdom -- but I don't think I will see any of those...

  2. Magnifique!
    They had -- how do they say that en anglais -- the proper texture, providing the mandatory squeak, and an oily yet not cloying sensation. Curds and barbecue...
    mélange extraordinaire!

  3. Man o man do I have the sauce to go with those babies! A few of those curds, and some sauce and riblets from Chuck Hinton, poured over french fries and you've got the best new food cart offering in Stumptown! Can you ship some?
