Saturday, April 25, 2009

Veggie Time ATCs

I'm swapping these artist trading cards today at our monthly meeting. They were inspired from my trip to Florida last January. The veggies are drawn on pages from a "Real Simple" magazine that my friend Roberta's mom, Louise, gave me to read on the plane. It was an article on how to grow and store fruit and vegetables so I drew the corresponding image on the instructions. The rubber stamped names are from an alphabet set I bought with Roberta when we went to a fabulous scrapbooking shop in Wellington, FL.


  1. Nice ones Ronna. I hope you traded some of mine so I can get one of those! I thought eggplant was aubergine north of the border...

  2. Great ATCs. They're like illustrations for a book soon to be written.

  3. Love these ones == really nice! I went with Lisbeth to a nursery here in Dallas yesterday .. you would have loved it! so much stuff that we can't grow in the north...

    Hope you have one of these cards left over for your sis!
