Monday, April 20, 2009


Richard and I had our first barbecue of the season this past weekend.

Don't these look great? (They were!)

But before the steaks there was much work to be done. The little bridge that runs beside my house needed mending.

And voila! It's done.

Wood needed stacking, clothesline re-hung for the season, grass needed raking, squirrel holes needed filling...

...and the blue chairs were pulled out and put in their summer spot. And the first glass of red wine was had, sitting in them and enjoying the sun. Sigh.


  1. What a wonderful way to bring in the new season.

  2. Let's see, Reechar was mending the bridge, stacking the wood, moving the chairs, grilling the steaks--and wowsa, that's no poutine on that grill! I guess Ronna was behind the Kodak...

  3. Next weekend is going to be hot! 27 degrees C! Good thing you have those chairs ready and the grill working.
