Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy 2nd Blog-iversary!

I can't believe it but it was 2 years ago today that I started keeping a blog. (Thanks to Carmi who suggested I start one.) I am thrilled to see that folks are enjoying my blog. Please leave me a comment...even if it's "anonymous." I'd love to hear from you (especially if you've never commented before). Also please let me know what part of the world you're visiting from. Don't be shy!


  1. Congratulations... and may you have many more years of blogging, to come! I visit your blog every morning, just to get a little boost, before I start my day...I always enjoy your photos and artwork, and the little bits of everyday life in the country! And you inspired me to start my blog...

  2. happy b-b-day Ronna. glad to have found you, fellow artist blogger, and i to visit you almost daily! your adventures and your art inspire and amuse! keep it up!

  3. You are the best! And so is your blog.... Love you!

  4. Happy Blog-iversary. That Carmi has gotten a lot of us into this hasn't she!:)

    Keep up the good work. A joy to behold.

  5. I have no time for blogs.

  6. Two year, ha. I laugh at 2 years. I began blogging in 1215. Read my account at

  7. Carmi: We're already friends on Facebook I think...

  8. Congrats on two years! Keep it coming.

    I'm visiting from Apple Hill. ;) I finishd my ATCs and plan to come tomorrow. Yay!

  9. Wow! You created a landslide of comments with your invitation and here's mine; your energy and enthusiasm know no bounds and it's contagious. Here's to many more years of blogging, thanks for your help and we'll be celebrating the goldfish pond soon...they survived the winter again. ( Well there are a few floaters)
