Saturday, March 21, 2009

Going Postal: Scenes from the Road V

My last day as fill-in mail delivery person and we were greeted by a hot air balloon waaaay in the distance.

Peggi and I both liked the ingenuity of this reflector used as a flag on this mailbox. It's now facing the right way for the folks at home to see when their mail has arrived.

This one is held together with duct tape and string. Love it. Click here to see more fun mailboxes which I photographed on the route last summer.

After I returned my official vest along with my car sign and flashing light (sniff, sniff), I came home to see my daffodils about 1" out of the ground, welcoming me home.


  1. South of the border, you put the flag up when you have mail to pick up and the delivery person puts the flag down when s/he has delivered. Of course, if you don't have mail to pick up, you don't know if the delivery has occurred. We then waddle to the mailbox and look. It's what many in "The States" call "exercise" and it is all we get.

  2. ooOOoh, green stuff!
    yay for spring & growing things!!

    and, thanks for your updates this week, enjoyed the read!
